I have written the title, as if Paul is writing to an individual, but he is actually writing personally to a group of people who had received Jesus Christ as their Saviour. When you read the Bible you can actually put your name in there, as if everything is addressed to you personally. That is one way that God can speak to us. Paul stayed and preached in city of Corinth (Greece) for a year and a half (Acts 18). Later on, he wrote three love letters to them, to encourage them in their faith, and to instruct them in the things of God. In the Bible there is first and second Corinthians, but he actually wrote an earlier letter to them that is not available. (1 Corinthians 5:9). Here are a few selected verses from the book of First Corinthians.
I am using the words of The American King James Version of the Bible because it is not copyrighted. It is Public Domain.

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