The Comforter is the Holy Spirit who is with us forever. Thank you Father God, and thank you Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Comforter is the Holy Spirit who is with us forever. Thank you Father God, and thank you Jesus Christ our Lord.
Here are some examples from the Gospel of Mark.
Jesus had power to cast out a demon.
Jesus had power to heal a fever.
Jesus had power to heal a leper.
Jesus had power to forgive sins.
Jesus had power to heal a withered hand.
When sick people touched Jesus, power went out of him and healed them.
Jesus had power to stop the demons from talking.
Jesus gave his disciples power to heal sicknesses and to drive out demons.
Jesus had power to stop the storm.
Jesus had power to cast out lots of evil spirits.
A woman touched the clothes of Jesus and got healed of an internal bleeding problem that she had for 12 years.
Jesus had power to raise a young girl from her death bed.
Jesus had power to lay his hands on sick people and heal them.
Jesus had power to feed over 5,000 people with only 5 loaves and 2 fish.
Jesus had power to walk on water.
Lots of sick people touched the hem of the garment of Jesus and got healed.
Jesus had power to cast out a demon by ‘remote control’ – just by speaking the word.
Jesus had power to make the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.
Jesus had power to feed about 4,000 people with only 7 loaves and a few small fish.
Jesus had power to heal a blind man, and give him high definition vision.
Jesus had power to cast a deaf and dumb spirit out of a young boy.
Jesus had power to heal blind Bartimaeus.
After his resurrection, Jesus told his disciples that if they believe in his name, then they too shall be able to drive out demons.
Jesus also told his disciples that they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall get well.
So the disciples went out proclaiming the message of Jesus about his death and resurrection, and the Lord confirmed his word with signs following.
Beloved, it is our job to carry on the work that Jesus began.