Believe and Baptized = Saved

This story is about the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Acts chapter 9.
The most important thing in the whole world is to get SAVED. There is only one way to get saved. Jesus said that he is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. He died on the cross for all our sins. Ask him to forgive your sins and receive him as your SAVIOUR today! This is a free online true story to try and help you. I took this girl to a church meeting many years ago, and her life was changed! May God bless you.
I made up this story for a competition many years ago, but many people’s lives have been changed by faith in Jesus. I met a drug pusher who was put in solitary confinement for 3 months in prison, and the chaplain gave him a Bible. He read the whole Bible, and God healed his damaged brain. When he got out, he met one of his former customers who testified to him of how she got saved. He then received Jesus as his Saviour, and went to Bible School.
In some parts of the world you can be tortured, imprisoned or killed for having a Bible. So this is why I made this free online Bible comics website, so that people can look at this without the authorities knowing. Just ask God to forgive your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, then get baptized. When I was in Galilee, many years ago, I felt so close to Jesus, and I wanted to try and express that feeling to others. Hence this illustrated version of the Gospel of Mark from the Bible. I have done it in my own version. I look through lots of versions, and sometimes into the Greek Interlinear and Strong’s Concordance, to try and find the right meaning. I am living in North America, so I am using the Great Lakes photos as my Galilee. I hope it is a blessing to you, and draws you closer to Jesus. God bless, DGF.
I have another website that you might find interesting called: ‘Country Gospel and Bible.’
If you live in a country where you are forbidden to own a Bible, feel free to visit this website and read what you can without fear of persecution. Receive Jesus as your Saviour, and ask for forgiveness of your sins, then your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! See you in heaven one day! God bless.
I only have a few books of the Bible in comic form, but I hope it helps people who are in need of spiritual food. That is why I have made this free online Bible comics page. Remember there is only one way to get to heaven. Receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and ask him to forgive your sins.
I have another website called Country Gospel and Bible.
This website is for those people who are not allowed to own a Bible. So they can come secretly here and get some Good News. Jesus came to earth to die on a cross for all our sins. All we have to do is believe in him and ask forgiveness for our sins. That is how we can get saved.
I have another website called: Country Gospel and Bible.